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The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but

Can they suffer?

Jeremy Bentham



pet custody mediation

I always thought of Rolo as my dog. When Max and I separated, I insisted Rolo came to live with me even though I knew my lifestyle would mean I couldn't give him the attention he needed. Rolo went from being the happiest dog to a very depressed animal. Through mediation I realised I had to rethink what as best for Rolo - not me.Even though parting with Rolo was hard, I know it was the right thing. Max sends me photos and I can see how happy Rolo is. That's the important thing. Thank you for helping me realise this.

Rob | pet custody mediation

Sadly, as with children, pets are often weaponised in divorce and separation. However, unlike, children, a dog is treated by the law as an asset - just like a car, a house or a piece of jewellery. Pets (currently ) have no rights. Their needs can be misunderstood or totally ignored in the heat of an acrimonious split up.


Mediation is a very effective way of helping couples really understand what is best for their pet, even if this means the final outcome is not what was envisaged by both parties. After all, what's best for the pet is not necessarily the same as for the owner.


Shelley-Anne is trained pet custody mediator and works alongside animal behavioural experts. Using mediation techniques, Shelley-Anne is able to help couples work out the best arrangements for their pets post divorce or separation. 

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